Mar 22 2006
Transfigured Heart
Transfigured Heart
By Sander Roscoe Wolff
3-9-06 3:22 PM
Carry my heart in both hands.
Walk slowly.
Sometimes it feels indestructible
but it isn’t.
Carry it all the way.
Don’t hand it off when it gets heavy.
Help me to lighten it.
Why am I afraid?
It has been bruised and broken,
torn apart, crushed.
My heart, so transfigured, still beats.
It’s rhythm a bit slower, unfamiliar,
but still my own.
Be still, my heart, and, in the silence, listen.
Hear the flutter of a thousand valves.
Each beats with scars, a history of trauma.
Why am I afraid?
I trust your hands, your heart.
Just don’t drop me again.
This is an incredible piece of verse. Props!